
This is the formal definition of the Adaptable Seismic Data Format (ASDF).


For more details please see our paper:

Lion Krischer, James Smith, Wenjie Lei, Matthieu Lefebvre, Youyi Ruan, Elliott Sales de Andrade, Norbert Podhorszki, Ebru Bozdağ and Jeroen Tromp (2016),
An Adaptable Seismic Data Format,
Geophysical Journal International, 207(2).


This document is for version 1.0.2 of the format.

This is the Adaptable Seismic Data Format - if you are looking for the Advanced Scientific Data Format, go here:

For further information and contact information please see these two web sites:

Additionally these pages and software projects are of further interest:

ASDF Format Changelog

Version 1.0.3 (September 24th, 2019)

  • Allow all ASCII chars in the names of provenance data sets.
  • Allow the following extra characters in the names of auxiliary data sets and their path names: _\.!#$%&*+,:;<=>\?@\^~

Version 1.0.2 (March 1st, 2018)

  • Allow adding very short waveforms that might start and end within the same second.

Version 1.0.1 (Oktober 19th, 2017)

  • Allow little and big endian 16 bit integer waveform data.

Version 1.0.0 (March 22nd, 2016)

  • Initial ASDF version.